Published:  2024-02-27

The effects of acute social ostracism on subsequent snacking behavior and future body mass index in children

Authors:  Aimee E. Pink, Reena Teo, Bob Chua, Fabian Kong, Ranjani Nadarajan, Jia Ying Pei, Charmaine H. Y. Tan, Jia Ying Toh, Yap-Seng Chong, Kok Hian Tan, Fabian Yap, Michael J. Meaney, Birit F. P. Broekman, Bobby K. Cheon

Tags:  Paediatrics, Risk factors

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Ostracism may lead to increased food intake, yet it is unclear whether greater reactivity to ostracism contributes to higher body mass index (BMI). We investigated whether children who exhibited greater stress to social exclusion subsequently consume more energy and whether this predicts BMI 6- and 18-months later.