Published:  2024-03-05

The contribution of brain volume to explain autonomous imbalance during recovery from acute stress in batterers

Authors:  Ángel Romero-Martínez, María Beser-Robles, Leonor Cerdá-Alberich, Fernando Aparici, Luis Martí-Bonmatí, Carolina Sarrate-Costa, Marisol Lila, Luis Moya-Albiol

Tags:  Brain volume, Intimate partner violence perpetrators, Neuroimaging, Skin conductance levels, Thoughts of revenge

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Many authors have suggested that intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetrators present an imbalance between both branches of the autonomous nervous system when coping with acute stress. Concretely, there is a predominance of the sympathetic branches over the parasympathetic ones when recovering from stress. This imbalance can be explained by their tendency toward anger rumination, and more concretely, by their focus on thoughts of revenge during this period. Unfortunately, there is a gap in the scientific literature in terms of using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques to assess which brain structures would explain this tendency of IPV perpetrators when coping with acute stress.