- 5.3.1 r
- 5.2.4 (February 2022)
- keep main window in focus after ProgressMonitors
- time-based vs other labels
- show text on start page
- fix editing columns in results table and export
- 5.1 (January 2022)
- added support for new data format 7fs for new (prototype) ams device
- lot of changes on label tab
- 7fs format requires integer instead of short
- extra option for not discarding beats in ICG
- fix results tab recalculating too often
- fix installers for newer Java versions
- update log4j to 2.17.1 to mitigate vulnerabilities
- miscellaneous tidbits
- 5.0 release December 2021
- 4.9 (pre-release; October 2021)
- rearrange gui
- make scl peak detector and thus opening 5fs files faster
- calculate imp and ecg averages when creating label
- default values Y-axes
- QRSTtab: zoom levels slide more intuitive
- 4.8 (September 2021)
- added P, P onset points in impedance tab
- ICG X point after T
- X axis in milliseconds
- graph PEP and LVET areas in impedance tab
- keep order of ECG and ICG points when dragging
- change order in impedance InfoPanel
- 4.7 (May 2021)
- read binary files for testing of ams hardware 7
- fix hang issue in output table
- use native FileDialog on Mac
- enable Ctrl-click in overlays for Mac
- 4.5 (March 2021)
- Made label information tab more user friendly:
- drag and drop rows in Output Config Editor
- drag and drop columns in main table
- right click context menu in table header
- highlight label in the graphic signal overview on click
- total recording line at the bottom
- added several columns
- show a selection of relevant columns by default
- Remove spurious peaks in OnlineGraph
- Show SCL peaks in SCL label tab
- Average HR and MOT over smaller windows
- Use the same algoritm for deviant beats in RSA tab as in R-peak tab
- Made label information tab more user friendly:
- 4.3 (r1156)
- Added corrected stroke volume, in keeping with Nederend et al. 2017 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2017.07.015).
- Removed “Age”, “Gender”, “Weight” and “Height” from Label Info tab.
- Added minute volume column in keeping w/ Nederend 2017 (c.f. above).
- Renamed ‘old’ minute volume column to “Minute Volume (Kubicek 1966)”.
- R-peak annotation and IBI classification: renamed “suspicious” to diverging in interface (“suspicious” is maintained @code level). “Highly suspicious” (colored red) is denoted “deviant” and “medium suspicious” (yellow) is denoted “worth checking”.
- 4.2 (r1136)
- Added a button in QRSToolbar for removal of all artefacts and rescan of the ECG.
- 4.1 (r1135)
- Adjustments for Mac deployment
- Re-implementation of x-axis tick marks
- Improved: Automatic labeling using markers/events in batch mode
- Other minor improvements/additions
- 4.0 (r1123)
- Replaced static red grid by dynamic grey grid
- Append [Subject ID] to Title bar (can be disabled via Settings > General)
- Improved: File > Batch export data
- Improved:Impedance Scoring tab > Stroke Volume > Edit
- Improved Impedance Scoring tab (left panel is now scrollable)
- Improved Skin Conductance tab
- Improved:Detect R-Peaks tab > Actions > Show Ectopic Beats
- Improved: Data > Clear external signals
- Improved: Data > Export Signal To ASCII
- Draw SCL in Label Data tab when no ECG and no DZ
- Other minor improvements/additions
- 3.9 (r1067)
- Enabled silent (un)installs with “/S” switch
- VU-DAMS.app built for Mac platform
- Automatic labeling using events/markers updated with a new template
- Option to go to the specific suspicious beat (goto function) in the QRS Tab
- Included Min & Max SCL Values to the Output data
- View the ectopic beats (PVC & PAC) in a separate window in QRS Tab
- Add VU-DAMS Software version number to the header file
- SVN Revision number retrieved using xml file
- Other minor improvements/additions
- 3.8 (r989)
- Automatic labeling using markers/events in batch mode
- Import a maximum of three external signals in VU-DAMS
- Count of Premature Atrial Contractions (PAC’s) per label added to the output.
- ICG Characteristic points detection improved
- VU-DAMS is supported on Mac OS X
- Serial Communication stabilized
- Other minor improvements/additions
- 3.6 (r938)
- Combined Set-up for 64 bit and 32 bit Operating Systems
- Serial Communication is stabilized
- Possibility to add Demographic data of the subject and save in the amsdata file.
- Debug Settings File for technical support is created
- New check for the corrupted amsdata files
- The batch process logs are presented to the user
- Other minor improvements/additions
- 3.5 (r876)
- DZDT Signal Quality Improved by Filtering
- Skin Conductance Analysis Updated
- Watchdog reset and Buffer Overflow error messages implemented
- AmsSerail.dll now in VU-DAMS setup
- Other minor improvements/additions
- 3.4 (r837)
- Batch Export of Beat Information to text file
- Possibility to mark Premature Ventricular Contractions
- More options on right click over the label
- Export PVC counts per label
- Other minor improvements/additions
- 3.3 (r823)
- Batch Export of Respiration Data
- Stroke Volume Calculation problem fixed with old ‘.ams’ format files
- Z0 is now also displayed in Inspect Data tab for old ‘.ams’ format files
- Save the user setting files to AppData Directory
- Sync beats detected with Respiration Data
- All back to 32 bit version for stable serial communication
- Other minor improvements/additions
- 3.2 (r802)
- Import Labels option customized
- Open and Analyze Files where one or more channels are not recorded with maximum sampling frequency
- Operating System Check and use of 32/64 bit java respective to operating system
- Included Java Version and JVM information in the program
- Event time and Signal Time are synced when raw signal is exported.
- Electrode distance and Specific Resistivity of the blood values are editable and can be saved to AMSData File.
- Other minor improvements/additions
- 3.1 (r743)
- Other minor improvements / additions
- 3.0 (r739)
- Automatic Scoring for ECG Characteristic Points
- Skin Conductance Data analyzed & presented in a new tab (under development)
- Label based export of Skin Conductance Data
- Option to remove all HIGH & MEDIUM Suspicious Beats in Detect R-Peaks Tab
- Experimental information added to time based labels
- Divide a particular label into time labels of chosen interval.
- Batch Export of Raw Signals with & without label information
- Batch Analyze & Export Data (ASCII & Excel) for automatic scoring of ECG & ICG Complexes
- Possible to add labels even if only one channel is recorded
- Fixed freeze with connection lost problems
- Automatically establishing connection on connection lost during online mode
- Instant Heart Rate during online mode
- Other minor improvements / additions
- 2.2
- Added Copy/Paste Labels in Label Data tab
- Added Batch export data to ASCII
- Added ICG, ECG and SCL warnings in Configure Device window
- Added “Never ask me again” option to update available window
- Fixed freeze when opening file without ICG
- Other minor improvements / additions
- 2.1
- Fixed error when updating to Java 7
- Enabled VU-DAMS suite and Bluetooth database updates via internet
- VU-DAMS suite version now always visible in upper left corner
- Other minor improvements / additions
- 2.0
- Many improvements / additions
- 1.01
- Initial release