
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

Resting autonomic nervous system activity is unrelated to antisocial behaviour dimensions in adolescents: Cross-sectional findings from a European multi-centre study

Prätzlich, Oldenhof, Steppan, Ackermann, Baker, Batchelor, Baumann, Bernhard, Clanton, Dikeos, Dochnal, Fehlbaum, Fernández-Rivas, González de Artaza-Lavesa, Gonzalez-Madruga, Guijarro, Gundlach, Herpertz-Dahlmann, Hervas, Jansen, Kerexeta-Lizeaga, Kersten, Kirchner, Kohls, Konsta, Lazaratou, Martinelli, Menks, Puzzo, Raschle, Rogers, Siklósi, Smaragdi, Vriends, Konrad, De Brito, Fairchild, Kieser, Freitag, Popma & Stadler 2019

Could Alcohol Abuse Drive Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators’ Psychophysiological Response to Acute Stress?

Vitoria-Estruch, Romero-Martínez, Lila & Moya-Albiol 2018

Effect of excessive infant crying on resting BP, HRV and cardiac autonomic control in childhood

Smarius, Eijsden, Strieder, Doreleijers, Gemke, Vrijkotte & Rooij 2018

Heart rate and skin conductance responses to taste, taste novelty, and the (dis)confirmation of expectations

Verastegui-Tena, van Trijp & Piqueras-Fiszman 2018

The enemy in the mirror: self-perception-induced stress results in dissociation of psychological and physiological responses in patients with dissociative disorder

Schäflein, Sattel, Schmidt & Sack 2018

Interaction between prenatal risk and infant parasympathetic and sympathetic stress reactivity predicts early aggression

Suurland, van der Heijden, Huijbregts, van Goozen & Swaab 2017

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and stress-related biomarkers

Vogel, Bijlenga, Verduijn, Bron, Beekman, Kooij & Penninx 2017

Potential benefits of mindfulness during pregnancy on maternal autonomic nervous system function and infant development

Braeken, Jones, Otte, Nyklíček & Van den Bergh 2017

Influences of lifestyle factors on cardiac autonomic nervous system activity over time

Hu, Lamers, de Geus & Penninx 2017

Sensory expectation, perception, and autonomic nervous system responses to package colours and product popularity

Schulte-Holierhoek, Verastegui-Tena, Goedegebure, Piqueras Fiszman & Smeets 2017