
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

Cardiovascular reactivity to work stress assessed by ambulatory blood pressure, heart rate and heart rate variability.

Vrijkotte, Riese, de Geus & Fahrenberg 2001

Daytime cardiac autonomic activity during one week of continuous night shift

Holmes, Burgess, McCulloch, Lamond, Fletcher, Dorrian, Roach & Dawson 2001

The effects of day-time exogenous melatonin administration on cardiac autonomic activity

Harris, Burgess & Dawson 2001

Validity concerns of common heart-rate variability indices

Friedman, Allen, Christie & Santucci 2002

Stress responsivity and socioeconomic status: a mechanism for increased cardiovascular disease risk?

Steptoe, Feldman, Kunz, Owen, Willemsen & Marmot 2002

Understanding challenging behaviour in people with severe and profound intellectual disability: a stress-attachment model

Janssen, Schuengel & Stolk 2002

Contribution of tonic vagal modulation of heart rate, central respiratory drive, respiratory depth, and respiratory frequency to respiratory sinus arrhythmia during mental stress and physical exercise

Houtveen, Rietveld & Geus 2002

Effects of sleep pressure on endogenous cardiac autonomic activity and body temperature

Holmes, Burgess & Dawson 2002

Innate Secretory Immunity in Response to Laboratory Stressors That Evoke Distinct Patterns of Cardiac Autonomic Activity

Bosch, de Geus, Veerman, Hoogstraten & Nieuw Amerongen 2003

Attentional and physiological characteristics of patients with dental anxiety

Johnsen, Thayer, Laberg, Wormnes, Raadal, Skaret, Kvale & Berg 2003