
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

Understanding mechanisms of depression prevention: study protocol of a randomized cross-over trial to investigate mechanisms of mindfulness and positive fantasizing as intervention techniques for reducing perseverative cognition in remitted depressed individuals

Besten, van Vugt, Riese, Bockting, Ostafin, Aleman & van Tol 2024

Problem Behavior and Heart Rate Reactivity in Adopted Adolescents: Longitudinal and Concurrent Relations

Bimmel, Van IJzendoorn, Bakermans-Kranenburg, Juffer & De Geus 2008

Who is at risk? Applying the biopsychosocial model to explain non-violent and violent delinquency in youth

Blankenstein, Bouwmeester, van Haeringen, van Klink, van der Meule & Jansen 2024

Social Psychophysiology for Social and Personality Psychology

Blascovich, Vanman, Mendes & Dickerson 2011

Netherlands twin family study of anxious depression (NETSAD)

Boomsma, Beem, van den Berg, Dolan, Koopmans, Vink, de Geus & Slagboom 2000

Acute stress evokes selective mobilization of T cells that differ in chemokine receptor expression: a potential pathway linking immunologic reactivity to cardiovascular disease

Bosch, Berntson, Cacioppo, Dhabhar & Marucha 2003

Differential Mobilization of Functionally Distinct Natural Killer Subsets During Acute Psychologic Stress

Bosch, Berntson, Cacioppo & Marucha 2005

A general enhancement of autonomic and cortisol responses during social evaluative threat

Bosch, de Geus, Carroll, Goedhart, Anane, van Zanten, Helmerhorst & Edwards 2009

Differential effects of active versus passive coping on secretory immunity

Bosch, de Geus, Kelder, Veerman, Hoogstraten & Amerongen 2001

Salivary MUC5B-Mediated Adherence (Ex Vivo) of Helicobacter pylori During Acute Stress

Bosch, de Geus, Ligtenberg, Nazmi, Veerman, Hoogstraten & Amerongen 2000