Comparing low frequency heart rate variability and preejection period: Two sides of a different coin
Goedhart, Willemsen, Houtveen, Boomsma & De Geus |
2008 |
Habitual traffic noise at home reduces cardiac parasympathetic tone during sleep
Graham, Janssen, Vos & Miedema |
2009 |
Maturation of the Cardiac Autonomic Nervous System Activity in Children and Adolescents
Harteveld, Nederend, ten Harkel, Schutte, de Rooij, Vrijkotte, Oldenhof, Popma, Jansen, Suurland, Swaab, de Geus, Prätzlich, Ackermann, Baker, Batchelor, Baumann, Bernhard, Clanton, Dikeos, Dochnal, Fehlbaum, Fernández‐Rivas, Gonzalez, González de Artaza‐Lavesa, Guijarro, Gundlach, Herpertz‐Dahlmann, Hervas, Kersten, Kohls, Konsta, Lazaratou, Kerexeta‐Lizeaga, Martinelli, van Nimwegen, Puzzo, Raschle, Rogers, Siklósi, Smaragdi, Steppan, De Brito, Fairchild, Kieser, Konrad, Freitag & Stadler |
2021 |
Effects of sleep pressure on endogenous cardiac autonomic activity and body temperature
Holmes, Burgess & Dawson |
2002 |
Heritability of Indices for Cardiac Contractility in Ambulatory Recordings
Kupper, Willemsen, Boomsma & De Geus |
2006 |
A fluid response: Alpha-amylase reactions to acute laboratory stress are related to sample timing and saliva flow rate
Nagy, van Lien, Willemsen, Proctor, Efting, Fülöp, Bárdos, Veerman & Bosch |
2015 |
Heritability of cardiac vagal control in 24-h heart rate variability recordings: Influence of ceiling effects at low heart rates
Neijts, Van Lien, Kupper, Boomsma, Willemsen & de Geus |
2014 |
Adolescent sympathetic activity and salivary C-reactive protein: The effects of parental behavior
Nelson, Byrne, Simmons, Whittle, Schwartz, Reynolds, O'Brien-Simpson, Sheeber & Allen |
2017 |
Psychophysiological responses to sadness in girls and boys with conduct disorder
Oldenhof, Jansen, Ackermann, Baker, Batchelor, Baumann, Bernhard, Clanton, Dochnal, Fehlbaum, Fernandez-Rivas, Goergen, Gonzalez de Artaza-Lavesa, Gonzalez-Madruga, Gonzalez-Torres, Gundlach, Lotte van der Hoeven, Kalogerakis, Kapornai, Kieser, Konsta, Martinelli, Pauli, Rogers, Smaragdi, Sesma-Pardo, Siklósi, Steppan, Tsiakoulia, Vermeiren, Vriends, Werner, Herpertz-Dahlmann, Kohls, De Brito, Konrad, Stadler, Fairchild, Freitag & Popma |
2022 |
The enemy in the mirror: self-perception-induced stress results in dissociation of psychological and physiological responses in patients with dissociative disorder
Schäflein, Sattel, Schmidt & Sack |
2018 |