Real-life dental examination elicits physiological responses different to visual and auditory dental-related stimuli
Košir, Sajovic, Grošelj, Fidler, Drevenšek & Selič-Zupančič |
2021 |
Maternal long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid status during early pregnancy: Association with child behavioral problems and the role of autonomic nervous system activity
Vrijkotte, Smeets, de Rooij & Bosch |
2021 |
Validity of the Empatica E4 Wristband to Measure Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Parameters: a Comparison to Electrocardiography (ECG)
Schuurmans, de Looff, Nijhof, Rosada, Scholte, Popma & Otten |
2020 |
Childhood trauma and dysregulation of multiple biological stress systems in adulthood: Results from the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA)
Kuzminskaite, Vinkers, Elzinga, Wardenaar, Giltay & Penninx |
2020 |
Infant emotional responses to challenge predict empathic behavior in toddlerhood
Noten, van der Heijden, Huijbregts, van Goozen & Swaab |
2020 |
Heart rate (variability) and the association between relational peer victimization and internalizing symptoms in elementary school children
Behnsen, Buil, Koot, Huizink & Lier |
2020 |
Resting autonomic nervous system activity is unrelated to antisocial behaviour dimensions in adolescents: Cross-sectional findings from a European multi-centre study
Prätzlich, Oldenhof, Steppan, Ackermann, Baker, Batchelor, Baumann, Bernhard, Clanton, Dikeos, Dochnal, Fehlbaum, Fernández-Rivas, González de Artaza-Lavesa, Gonzalez-Madruga, Guijarro, Gundlach, Herpertz-Dahlmann, Hervas, Jansen, Kerexeta-Lizeaga, Kersten, Kirchner, Kohls, Konsta, Lazaratou, Martinelli, Menks, Puzzo, Raschle, Rogers, Siklósi, Smaragdi, Vriends, Konrad, De Brito, Fairchild, Kieser, Freitag, Popma & Stadler |
2019 |
Baseline autonomic nervous system activity in female children and adolescents with conduct disorder: Psychophysiological findings from the FemNAT-CD study
Oldenhof, Prätzlich, Ackermann, Baker, Batchelor, Baumann, Bernhard, Clanton, Dikeos, Dochnal, Fehlbaum, Fernández-Rivas, de Geus, Gonzalez, de Artaza-Lavesa, Guijarro, Gundlach, Herpertz-Dahlmann, Hervas, Jansen, Kersten, Kohls, Konsta, Lazaratou, Kerexeta-Lizeaga, Martinelli, van Nimwegen, Puzzo, Raschle, Rogers, Siklósi, Smaragdi, Steppan, De Brito, Fairchild, Kieser, Konrad, Freitag, Stadler & Popma |
2019 |
Psychopathic Traits and Empathic Functioning in Detained Juveniles: Withdrawal Response to Empathic Sadness
de Ruigh, Jansen, Vermeiren & Popma |
2019 |
The impact of childhood trauma and psychophysiological reactivity on at-risk women’s adjustment to parenthood
Oosterman, Schuengel, Forrer & Moor |
2019 |