Synchronous change in subjective and physiological reactivity during flight as an indicator of treatment outcome for aviophobia: A longitudinal study with 3-year follow-up
Busscher, Spinhoven & de Geus |
2020 |
Physiological and emotional responses to evaluative stress in socially inhibited young adults
Duijndam, Karreman, Denollet & Kupper |
2020 |
Resting autonomic nervous system activity is unrelated to antisocial behaviour dimensions in adolescents: Cross-sectional findings from a European multi-centre study
Prätzlich, Oldenhof, Steppan, Ackermann, Baker, Batchelor, Baumann, Bernhard, Clanton, Dikeos, Dochnal, Fehlbaum, Fernández-Rivas, González de Artaza-Lavesa, Gonzalez-Madruga, Guijarro, Gundlach, Herpertz-Dahlmann, Hervas, Jansen, Kerexeta-Lizeaga, Kersten, Kirchner, Kohls, Konsta, Lazaratou, Martinelli, Menks, Puzzo, Raschle, Rogers, Siklósi, Smaragdi, Vriends, Konrad, De Brito, Fairchild, Kieser, Freitag, Popma & Stadler |
2019 |
Baseline autonomic nervous system activity in female children and adolescents with conduct disorder: Psychophysiological findings from the FemNAT-CD study
Oldenhof, Prätzlich, Ackermann, Baker, Batchelor, Baumann, Bernhard, Clanton, Dikeos, Dochnal, Fehlbaum, Fernández-Rivas, de Geus, Gonzalez, de Artaza-Lavesa, Guijarro, Gundlach, Herpertz-Dahlmann, Hervas, Jansen, Kersten, Kohls, Konsta, Lazaratou, Kerexeta-Lizeaga, Martinelli, van Nimwegen, Puzzo, Raschle, Rogers, Siklósi, Smaragdi, Steppan, De Brito, Fairchild, Kieser, Konrad, Freitag, Stadler & Popma |
2019 |
Experimental manipulation of emotion regulation changes mothers’ physiological and facial expressive responses to infant crying
Riem & Karreman |
2019 |
Effect of excessive infant crying on resting BP, HRV and cardiac autonomic control in childhood
Smarius, Eijsden, Strieder, Doreleijers, Gemke, Vrijkotte & Rooij |
2018 |
A Quantitative Exploration of Two Teachers with Contrasting Emotions: Intra-Individual Process Analyses of Physiology and Interpersonal Behavior
Donker, van Gog & Mainhard |
2018 |
Potential benefits of mindfulness during pregnancy on maternal autonomic nervous system function and infant development
Braeken, Jones, Otte, Nyklíček & Van den Bergh |
2017 |
Attachment and physiological reactivity to infant crying in young adulthood: Dissociation between experiential and physiological arousal in insecure adoptees
Schoenmaker, Huffmeijer, van IJzendoorn, Bakermans-Kranenburg, van den Dries, Linting, van der Voort & Juffer |
2015 |
Vagal activity is quadratically related to prosocial traits, prosocial emotions, and observer perceptions of prosociality
Kogan, Oveis, Carr, Gruber, Mauss, Shallcross, Impett, van der Lowe, Hui, Cheng & Keltner |
2014 |