Psychophysiological responses to sadness in girls and boys with conduct disorder
Oldenhof, Jansen, Ackermann, Baker, Batchelor, Baumann, Bernhard, Clanton, Dochnal, Fehlbaum, Fernandez-Rivas, Goergen, Gonzalez de Artaza-Lavesa, Gonzalez-Madruga, Gonzalez-Torres, Gundlach, Lotte van der Hoeven, Kalogerakis, Kapornai, Kieser, Konsta, Martinelli, Pauli, Rogers, Smaragdi, Sesma-Pardo, Siklósi, Steppan, Tsiakoulia, Vermeiren, Vriends, Werner, Herpertz-Dahlmann, Kohls, De Brito, Konrad, Stadler, Fairchild, Freitag & Popma |
2022 |
Effectiveness of game-based meditation therapy on neurobiological stress systems in adolescents with posttraumatic symptoms: a randomized controlled trial
Schuurmans, Nijhof, Scholte, Popma & Otten |
2021 |
Alterations of autonomic nervous system and HPA axis basal activity and reactivity to acute stress: a comparison of traumatized adolescents and healthy controls
Schuurmans, Nijhof, Cima, Scholte, Popma & Otten |
2021 |
Maturation of the Cardiac Autonomic Nervous System Activity in Children and Adolescents
Harteveld, Nederend, ten Harkel, Schutte, de Rooij, Vrijkotte, Oldenhof, Popma, Jansen, Suurland, Swaab, de Geus, Prätzlich, Ackermann, Baker, Batchelor, Baumann, Bernhard, Clanton, Dikeos, Dochnal, Fehlbaum, Fernández‐Rivas, Gonzalez, González de Artaza‐Lavesa, Guijarro, Gundlach, Herpertz‐Dahlmann, Hervas, Kersten, Kohls, Konsta, Lazaratou, Kerexeta‐Lizeaga, Martinelli, van Nimwegen, Puzzo, Raschle, Rogers, Siklósi, Smaragdi, Steppan, De Brito, Fairchild, Kieser, Konrad, Freitag & Stadler |
2021 |
The compassionate vagus: A meta-analysis on the connection between compassion and heart rate variability
Di Bello, Carnevali, Petrocchi, Thayer, Gilbert & Ottaviani |
2020 |
The short Sing-a-Song Stress Test: A practical and valid test of autonomic responses induced by social-evaluative stress
van der Mee, Duivestein, Gevonden, Westerink & de Geus |
2020 |
The enemy in the mirror: self-perception-induced stress results in dissociation of psychological and physiological responses in patients with dissociative disorder
Schäflein, Sattel, Schmidt & Sack |
2018 |
Adolescent sympathetic activity and salivary C-reactive protein: The effects of parental behavior
Nelson, Byrne, Simmons, Whittle, Schwartz, Reynolds, O'Brien-Simpson, Sheeber & Allen |
2017 |
A fluid response: Alpha-amylase reactions to acute laboratory stress are related to sample timing and saliva flow rate
Nagy, van Lien, Willemsen, Proctor, Efting, Fülöp, Bárdos, Veerman & Bosch |
2015 |
Maternal lipid profile during early pregnancy and their children’s blood pressure and cardiac autonomic balance at age 5–6 years
Gademan, Twickler, Roseboom & Vrijkotte |
2014 |