
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

Netherlands twin family study of anxious depression (NETSAD)

Boomsma, Beem, van den Berg, Dolan, Koopmans, Vink, de Geus & Slagboom 2000

Depression Is Associated With Decreased Blood Pressure, but Antidepressant Use Increases the Risk for Hypertension

Licht, de Geus, Seldenrijk, van Hout, Zitman, van Dyck & Penninx 2009

Longitudinal Evidence for Unfavorable Effects of Antidepressants on Heart Rate Variability

Licht, de Geus, van Dyck & Penninx 2010

A discrete emotions approach to positive emotion disturbance in depression

Gruber, Oveis, Keltner & Johnson 2011

Effects of Antidepressants, but not Psychopathology, on Cardiac Sympathetic Control: A Longitudinal Study

Licht, Penninx & de Geus 2012

Prenatal Stress and Balance of the Child’s Cardiac Autonomic Nervous System at Age 5-6 Years

Dijk, Eijsden, Stronks, Gemke & Vrijkotte 2012

The impact of stress systems and lifestyle on dyslipidemia and obesity in anxiety and depression

van Reedt Dortland, Vreeburg, Giltay, Licht, Vogelzangs, van Veen, de Geus, Penninx & Zitman 2013

Autonomic and Adrenocortical Interactions Predict Mental Health in Late Adolescence: The TRAILS Study

Nederhof, Marceau, Shirtcliff, Hastings & Oldehinkel 2015

Gender differences in the impact of daily sadness on 24-h heart rate variability

Verkuil, Brosschot, Marques, Kampschroer, Sternberg & Thayer 2015

Which biopsychosocial variables contribute to more weight gain in depressed persons?

Paans, Bot, Gibson-Smith, Spinhoven, Brouwer, Visser & Penninx 2017