
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

Effects of hearing acuity on psychophysiological responses to effortful speech perception

Keur-Huizinga, Huizinga, Zekveld, Versfeld, van de Ven, van Dijk, de Geus & Kramer 2024

Planning, conducting, and analyzing a psychophysiological experiment on challenge and threat: A comprehensive tutorial

Johnston, Volkov, Ryan & Lee 2023

Psychophysiology of positive and negative emotions, dataset of 1157 cases and 8 biosignals

Behnke, Buchwald, Bykowski, Kupiński & Kaczmarek 2022

Cross-instrument feasibility, validity, and reproducibility of wireless heart rate monitors: Novel opportunities for extended daily life monitoring

Kunkels, van Roon, Wichers & Riese 2021

Multi-modal responses to the Virtual Reality Trier Social Stress Test: A comparison with standard interpersonal and control conditions

Fallon, Riem, Kunst, Kop & Kupper 2021

The relationship of trauma exposure to heart rate variability during wake and sleep in midlife women

Thurston, Carson, Koenen, Chang, Matthews, von Känel & Jennings 2020

Music performance anxiety from the challenge and threat perspective: psychophysiological and performance outcomes

Guyon, Studer, Hildebrandt, Horsch, Nater & Gomez 2020

Challenge and threat states: examining cardiovascular, cognitive and affective responses to two distinct laboratory stress tasks

Trotman, Williams, Quinton & Veldhuijzen van Zanten 2018

Efficient reference-free adaptive artifact cancellers for impedance cardiography based remote health care monitoring systems

Mallam & Rao 2016

Cardiovascular reactivity as a mechanism linking child trauma to adolescent psychopathology

Heleniak, McLaughlin, Ormel & Riese 2016