
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

Do post-trauma symptoms mediate the relation between neurobiological stress parameters and conduct problems in girls?

Babel, Jambroes, Oostermeijer, van de Ven, Popma, Vermeiren, Doreleijers & Jansen 2016

Psychophysiological responses underlying unresolved loss and trauma in the Adult Attachment Interview

Bakkum, Oosterman, Verhage, Kunseler, Fearon, Schuengel & Duschinsky 2022

Dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system and its association with the presence and intensity of chronic widespread pain

Barakat, Vogelzangs, Licht, Geenen, MacFarlane, de Geus, Smit, Penninx & Dekker 2012

The Lack of Systemic and Subclinical Side Effects of Botulinum Neurotoxin Type-A in Patients Affected by Post-Stroke Spasticity: A Longitudinal Cohort Study

Battaglia, Borg, Torgano, Loro, Cosenza, Bertoni, Picelli, Santamato, Invernizzi, Uberti, Molinari, Carda & Baricich 2022

The competitive esports physiological, affective, and video dataset

Behnke, Krzyżaniak, Nowak, Kupiński, Chwiłkowska, Jęśko Białek, Kłoskowski, Maciejewski, Szymański, Lakens, Petrova, Jamieson & Gross 2025

Heart rate (variability) and the association between relational peer victimization and internalizing symptoms in elementary school children

Behnsen, Buil, Koot, Huizink & Lier 2020

Effects of induced hyperinsulinaemia with and without hyperglycaemia on measures of cardiac vagal control

Berkelaar, Eekhoff, Simonis-Bik, Boomsma, Diamant, Ijzerman, Dekker, ’t Hart & de Geus 2013

Heavy alcohol use, rather than alcohol dependence, is associated with dysregulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and the autonomic nervous system

Boschloo, Vogelzangs, Licht, Vreeburg, Smit, van den Brink, Veltman, de Geus, Beekman & Penninx 2011

Potential benefits of mindfulness during pregnancy on maternal autonomic nervous system function and infant development

Braeken, Jones, Otte, Nyklíček & Van den Bergh 2017

Autonomic specificity of discrete emotion and dimensions of affective space: a multivariate approach

Christie & Friedman 2004