
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

Towards a VR Environment for Desensitization of Ecological Anxiety

Quelhas Martins, Ferrajão, Revés, Torres, Chen, Fragomeni, Streitz, Konomi & Fang 2025

Antidepressants or running therapy: Comparing effects on mental and physical health in patients with depression and anxiety disorders

Verhoeven, Han, Lever-van Milligen, Hu, Révész, Hoogendoorn, Batelaan, van Schaik, van Balkom, van Oppen & Penninx 2023

Common and specific determinants of 9-year depression and anxiety course-trajectories: A machine-learning investigation in the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA).

Wardenaar, Riese, Giltay, Eikelenboom, van Hemert, Beekman, Penninx & Schoevers 2021

Real-life dental examination elicits physiological responses different to visual and auditory dental-related stimuli

Košir, Sajovic, Grošelj, Fidler, Drevenšek & Selič-Zupančič 2021

Rumination in Children with Social Anxiety Disorder: Effects of Cognitive Distraction and Relation to Social Stress Processing

Lidle & Schmitz 2021

Music performance anxiety from the challenge and threat perspective: psychophysiological and performance outcomes

Guyon, Studer, Hildebrandt, Horsch, Nater & Gomez 2020

Physiological stress markers, mental health and objective physical function

Lever-van Milligen, Lamers, Smit & Penninx 2020

Synchronous change in subjective and physiological reactivity during flight as an indicator of treatment outcome for aviophobia: A longitudinal study with 3-year follow-up

Busscher, Spinhoven & de Geus 2020

The impact of depression and anxiety treatment on biological aging and metabolic stress: study protocol of the Mood treatment with antidepressants or running (MOTAR) study

Lever-van Milligen, Verhoeven, Schmaal, van Velzen, Révész, Black, Han, Horsfall, Batelaan, van Balkom, van Schaik, van Oppen & Penninx 2019

Biomarker-based subtyping of depression and anxiety disorders using Latent Class Analysis. A NESDA study

Beijers, Wardenaar, Bosker, Lamers, Grootheest, Boer, Penninx & Schoevers 2019