
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

Maximizing expectancy violation and exposure outcomes in patients with PTSD

Kooistra, Schoorl, Oprel, van der Does & de Kleine 2025

Psychophysiological responses underlying unresolved loss and trauma in the Adult Attachment Interview

Bakkum, Oosterman, Verhage, Kunseler, Fearon, Schuengel & Duschinsky 2022

Eye Movement Desensitization (EMD) to reduce posttraumatic stress disorder-related stress reactivity in Indonesia PTSD patients: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Susanty, Sijbrandij, Srisayekti & Huizink 2021

Effectiveness of game-based meditation therapy on neurobiological stress systems in adolescents with posttraumatic symptoms: a randomized controlled trial

Schuurmans, Nijhof, Scholte, Popma & Otten 2021

Alterations of autonomic nervous system and HPA axis basal activity and reactivity to acute stress: a comparison of traumatized adolescents and healthy controls

Schuurmans, Nijhof, Cima, Scholte, Popma & Otten 2021

Childhood trauma and dysregulation of multiple biological stress systems in adulthood: Results from the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA)

Kuzminskaite, Vinkers, Elzinga, Wardenaar, Giltay & Penninx 2020

A novel approach to improve stress regulation among traumatized youth in residential care: Feasibility study testing three game-based meditation interventions

Schuurmans, Nijhof, Scholte, Popma & Otten 2020

Predicting quality of life during and post detention in incarcerated juveniles

de Ruigh, Popma, Twisk, Wiers, van der Baan, Vermeiren & Jansen 2019

The enemy in the mirror: self-perception-induced stress results in dissociation of psychological and physiological responses in patients with dissociative disorder

Schäflein, Sattel, Schmidt & Sack 2018

Cardiovascular reactivity as a mechanism linking child trauma to adolescent psychopathology

Heleniak, McLaughlin, Ormel & Riese 2016