Dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system and its association with the presence and intensity of chronic widespread pain
Barakat, Vogelzangs, Licht, Geenen, MacFarlane, de Geus, Smit, Penninx & Dekker |
2012 |
Ambulatory assessment of parasympathetic/sympathetic balance by impedance cardiography
de Geus & van Doornen |
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The compassionate vagus: A meta-analysis on the connection between compassion and heart rate variability
Di Bello, Carnevali, Petrocchi, Thayer, Gilbert & Ottaviani |
2020 |
Temporal stability of ambulatory stroke volume and cardiac output measured by impedance cardiography
Goedhart, Kupper, Willemsen, Boomsma & Geus |
2006 |
Heritability of Indices for Cardiac Contractility in Ambulatory Recordings
Kupper, Willemsen, Boomsma & De Geus |
2006 |
A fluid response: Alpha-amylase reactions to acute laboratory stress are related to sample timing and saliva flow rate
Nagy, van Lien, Willemsen, Proctor, Efting, Fülöp, Bárdos, Veerman & Bosch |
2015 |
Heritability of cardiac vagal control in 24-h heart rate variability recordings: Influence of ceiling effects at low heart rates
Neijts, Van Lien, Kupper, Boomsma, Willemsen & de Geus |
2014 |
Adolescent sympathetic activity and salivary C-reactive protein: The effects of parental behavior
Nelson, Byrne, Simmons, Whittle, Schwartz, Reynolds, O'Brien-Simpson, Sheeber & Allen |
2017 |
Psychophysiological responses to sadness in girls and boys with conduct disorder
Oldenhof, Jansen, Ackermann, Baker, Batchelor, Baumann, Bernhard, Clanton, Dochnal, Fehlbaum, Fernandez-Rivas, Goergen, Gonzalez de Artaza-Lavesa, Gonzalez-Madruga, Gonzalez-Torres, Gundlach, Lotte van der Hoeven, Kalogerakis, Kapornai, Kieser, Konsta, Martinelli, Pauli, Rogers, Smaragdi, Sesma-Pardo, Siklósi, Steppan, Tsiakoulia, Vermeiren, Vriends, Werner, Herpertz-Dahlmann, Kohls, De Brito, Konrad, Stadler, Fairchild, Freitag & Popma |
2022 |
Alterations of autonomic nervous system and HPA axis basal activity and reactivity to acute stress: a comparison of traumatized adolescents and healthy controls
Schuurmans, Nijhof, Cima, Scholte, Popma & Otten |
2021 |