
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

Cocoa Flavanols Improve Vascular Responses to Acute Mental Stress in Young Healthy Adults

Baynham, Veldhuijzen van Zanten, Johns, Pham & Rendeiro 2021

Acute stress evokes selective mobilization of T cells that differ in chemokine receptor expression: a potential pathway linking immunologic reactivity to cardiovascular disease

Bosch, Berntson, Cacioppo, Dhabhar & Marucha 2003

Differential effects of active versus passive coping on secretory immunity

Bosch, de Geus, Kelder, Veerman, Hoogstraten & Amerongen 2001

From threat to challenge—Improving medical students’ stress response and communication skills performance through the combination of stress arousal reappraisal and preparatory worked example-based learning when breaking bad news to simulated patients: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Bosshard, Schmitz, Guttormsen, Nater, Gomez & Berendonk 2023

Potential benefits of mindfulness during pregnancy on maternal autonomic nervous system function and infant development

Braeken, Jones, Otte, Nyklíček & Van den Bergh 2017

Pregnant Mothers with Resolved Anxiety Disorders and Their Offspring Have Reduced Heart Rate Variability: Implications for the Health of Children

Braeken, Kemp, Outhred, Otte, Monsieur, Jones & Bergh 2013

Adiposity, leptin and stress reactivity in humans

Brydon 2011

Concurrent attenuated reactivity of alpha-amylase and cortisol is related to disruptive behavior in male adolescents

de Vries-Bouw, Jansen, Vermeiren, Doreleijers, de Ven & Popma 2012

Risk Taking by Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): a Behavioral and Psychophysiological Investigation of Peer Influence

Dekkers, Popma, Sonuga-Barke, Oldenhof, Bexkens, Jansen & Huizenga 2020

Prenatal Stress and Balance of the Child’s Cardiac Autonomic Nervous System at Age 5-6 Years

Dijk, Eijsden, Stronks, Gemke & Vrijkotte 2012