
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

Contribution of tonic vagal modulation of heart rate, central respiratory drive, respiratory depth, and respiratory frequency to respiratory sinus arrhythmia during mental stress and physical exercise

Houtveen, Rietveld & Geus 2002

Physiological effects of separation and reunion in relation to attachment and temperament in young children

Oosterman & Schuengel 2007

Children with disrupted attachment histories: Interventions and psychophysiological indices of effects

Schuengel, Oosterman & Sterkenburg 2009

Burnout versus work engagement in their effects on 24-hour ambulatory monitored cardiac autonomic function

van Doornen, Houtveen, Langelaan, Bakker, van Rhenen & Schaufeli 2009

Habitual traffic noise at home reduces cardiac parasympathetic tone during sleep

Graham, Janssen, Vos & Miedema 2009

Physiological reactivity to phobic stimuli in people with fear of flying

Busscher, van Gerwen, Spinhoven & de Geus 2010

Longitudinal Evidence for Unfavorable Effects of Antidepressants on Heart Rate Variability

Licht, de Geus, van Dyck & Penninx 2010

The Netherlands study of depression in older persons (NESDO); a prospective cohort study

Comijs, van Marwijk, van der Mast, Naarding, Oude Voshaar, Beekman, Boshuisen, Dekker, Kok, de Waal, Penninx, Stek & Smit 2011

Vagal activity is quadratically related to prosocial traits, prosocial emotions, and observer perceptions of prosociality

Kogan, Oveis, Carr, Gruber, Mauss, Shallcross, Impett, van der Lowe, Hui, Cheng & Keltner 2014

Autonomic Nervous System Responses to Viewing Green and Built Settings: Differentiating Between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Activity

Van den Berg, Maas, Muller, Braun, Kaandorp, Van Lien, Van Poppel, Van Mechelen & Van den Berg 2015