
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

Neonatal brain and physiological reactivity in preschoolers: An initial investigation in an Asian sample

Tsotsi, Rifkin-Graboi, Borelli, Chong, Rajadurai, Chua, Broekman, Meaney & Qiu 2022

Preschoolers’ emotion reactivity and regulation: Links with maternal psychological distress and child behavior problems

Tsotsi, Borelli, Backer, Veragoo, Abdulla, Tan, Chong, Chen, Meaney, Broekman & Rifkin-Graboi 2021

The compassionate vagus: A meta-analysis on the connection between compassion and heart rate variability

Di Bello, Carnevali, Petrocchi, Thayer, Gilbert & Ottaviani 2020

Associations between empathy, inhibitory control, and physical aggression in toddlerhood

Noten, Van der Heijden, Huijbregts, Van Goozen & Swaab 2020

Infant emotional responses to challenge predict empathic behavior in toddlerhood

Noten, van der Heijden, Huijbregts, van Goozen & Swaab 2020

Predicting quality of life during and post detention in incarcerated juveniles

de Ruigh, Popma, Twisk, Wiers, van der Baan, Vermeiren & Jansen 2019

Infant Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Activity during Baseline, Stress and Recovery: Interactions with Prenatal Adversity Predict Physical Aggression in Toddlerhood

Suurland, van der Heijden, Huijbregts, van Goozen & Swaab 2018

Autonomic Nervous System Responses to Viewing Green and Built Settings: Differentiating Between Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Activity

Van den Berg, Maas, Muller, Braun, Kaandorp, Van Lien, Van Poppel, Van Mechelen & Van den Berg 2015

Early life adversities and adolescent antisocial behavior: The role of cardiac autonomic nervous system reactivity in the TRAILS study

Sijtsema, Van Roon, Groot & Riese 2015

Vagal activity is quadratically related to prosocial traits, prosocial emotions, and observer perceptions of prosociality

Kogan, Oveis, Carr, Gruber, Mauss, Shallcross, Impett, van der Lowe, Hui, Cheng & Keltner 2014