
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

Examining the effect of hunger on responses to pathogen cues and novel foods

Perone, Çınar, D'ursi, Durmuşoğlu, Lal & Tybur 2021

Real-life dental examination elicits physiological responses different to visual and auditory dental-related stimuli

Košir, Sajovic, Grošelj, Fidler, Drevenšek & Selič-Zupančič 2021

Should heart rate variability be “corrected” for heart rate? Biological, quantitative, and interpretive considerations

de Geus, Gianaros, Brindle, Jennings & Berntson 2019

Temporal stability and drivers of change in cardiac autonomic nervous system activity

Hu, Lamers, Penninx & de Geus 2017

Ambulatory measurement of the ECG T-wave amplitude

van Lien, Neijts, Willemsen & de Geus 2015

Pain in dementia: prevalence and associated factors: protocol of a multidisciplinary study

van Kooten, Delwel, Binnekade, Smalbrugge, van der Wouden, Perez, Rhebergen, Zuurmond, Stek, Lobbezoo, Hertogh & Scherder 2015

Simulating murder: The aversion to harmful action

Cushman, Gray, Gaffey & Mendes 2012

The predictive value of low heart rate and heart rate variability during stress for reoffending in delinquent male adolescents

De Vries-Bouw, Popma, Vermeiren, Doreleijers, Van De Ven & Jansen 2011

Guilt and pride are heartfelt, but not equally so

Fourie, Rauch, Morgan, Ellis, Jordaan & Thomas 2011

Temporal stability of ambulatory stroke volume and cardiac output measured by impedance cardiography

Goedhart, Kupper, Willemsen, Boomsma & Geus 2006