
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

Ambulatory measurement of respiratory sinus arrhythmia and respiration rate

de Geus, Willemsen, Klaver & van Doornen 1995

Temporal stability of ambulatory stroke volume and cardiac output measured by impedance cardiography

Goedhart, Kupper, Willemsen, Boomsma & Geus 2006

Habitual traffic noise at home reduces cardiac parasympathetic tone during sleep

Graham, Janssen, Vos & Miedema 2009

Daytime cardiac autonomic activity during one week of continuous night shift

Holmes, Burgess, McCulloch, Lamond, Fletcher, Dorrian, Roach & Dawson 2001

Validation of the thoracic impedance derived respiratory signal using multilevel analysis

Houtveen, Groot & de Geus 2006

Association of Type D personality with the autonomic and hemodynamic response to the cold pressor test

Kupper, Pelle & Denollet 2013

Heritability of Indices for Cardiac Contractility in Ambulatory Recordings

Kupper, Willemsen, Boomsma & De Geus 2006

Efficient reference-free adaptive artifact cancellers for impedance cardiography based remote health care monitoring systems

Mallam & Rao 2016

Impedance cardiography in healthy children and children with congenital heart disease: Improving stroke volume assessment

Nederend, ten Harkel, Blom, Berntson & de Geus 2017

Alexithymia predicts attenuated autonomic reactivity, but prolonged recovery to anger recall in young women

Neumann, Sollers, Thayer & Waldstein 2004