
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

Towards a VR Environment for Desensitization of Ecological Anxiety

Quelhas Martins, Ferrajão, Revés, Torres, Chen, Fragomeni, Streitz, Konomi & Fang 2025

Diminished vagally mediated heart rate variability in a compassion-eliciting task in intimate partner violence offenders

Moreno, Sousa, Comes-Fayos, Bressanutti, Blasco-Ros, Rijo, Lila, Romero-Martínez & Moya-Albiol 2023

Under Pressure? A Study of Heart Rate and Heart-Rate Variability Using SmarTerp

Olalla-Soler, Spinolo & Martín 2023

Neonatal brain and physiological reactivity in preschoolers: An initial investigation in an Asian sample

Tsotsi, Rifkin-Graboi, Borelli, Chong, Rajadurai, Chua, Broekman, Meaney & Qiu 2022

The Lack of Systemic and Subclinical Side Effects of Botulinum Neurotoxin Type-A in Patients Affected by Post-Stroke Spasticity: A Longitudinal Cohort Study

Battaglia, Borg, Torgano, Loro, Cosenza, Bertoni, Picelli, Santamato, Invernizzi, Uberti, Molinari, Carda & Baricich 2022

The effects of autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) on mood, attention, heart rate, skin conductance and EEG in healthy young adults

Engelbregt, Brinkman, van Geest, Irrmischer & Deijen 2022

Orthostatic stress response in pediatric Fontan patients and the effect of ACE inhibition

Harteveld, Blom, Dijk, Reijntjes, Someren, Kerkhof, Kuipers, Rammeloo, Geus & Harkel 2022

When closeness is effortful: Teachers’ physiological activation undermines positive effects of their closeness on student emotions

Mainhard, Donker & van Gog 2022

Psychophysiological responses to sadness in girls and boys with conduct disorder

Oldenhof, Jansen, Ackermann, Baker, Batchelor, Baumann, Bernhard, Clanton, Dochnal, Fehlbaum, Fernandez-Rivas, Goergen, Gonzalez de Artaza-Lavesa, Gonzalez-Madruga, Gonzalez-Torres, Gundlach, Lotte van der Hoeven, Kalogerakis, Kapornai, Kieser, Konsta, Martinelli, Pauli, Rogers, Smaragdi, Sesma-Pardo, Siklósi, Steppan, Tsiakoulia, Vermeiren, Vriends, Werner, Herpertz-Dahlmann, Kohls, De Brito, Konrad, Stadler, Fairchild, Freitag & Popma 2022

Attenuated beta-adrenergic response to stress and increased anticipation and perception of social threat in women high on perceived criticism

Pulopulos, Boccagno, De Raedt & Hooley 2021