
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

Positive emotion reduces dyspnea during slow paced breathing

Allen & Friedman 2012

Frustration, Cognition, and Psychophysiology in Dysregulated Children: A Research Domain Criteria Approach

Ametti, Crehan, O’Loughlin, Schreck, Dube, Potter, Sigmon & Althoff 2022

The competitive esports physiological, affective, and video dataset

Behnke, Krzyżaniak, Nowak, Kupiński, Chwiłkowska, Jęśko Białek, Kłoskowski, Maciejewski, Szymański, Lakens, Petrova, Jamieson & Gross 2025

Potential benefits of mindfulness during pregnancy on maternal autonomic nervous system function and infant development

Braeken, Jones, Otte, Nyklíček & Van den Bergh 2017

Synchronous change in subjective and physiological reactivity during flight as an indicator of treatment outcome for aviophobia: A longitudinal study with 3-year follow-up

Busscher, Spinhoven & de Geus 2020

Autonomic specificity of discrete emotion and dimensions of affective space: a multivariate approach

Christie & Friedman 2004

Weakened sympathetic response and lower parasympathetic activity in intimate partner violence perpetrators when empathizing: Influence of autonomous activation in affective approach and prosocial behavior

Comes-Fayos, Moreno, Lila, Romero-Martínez & Moya-Albiol 2024

Associations between teachers’ interpersonal behavior, physiological arousal, and lesson-focused emotions

Donker, van Gog, Goetz, Roos & Mainhard 2020

A Quantitative Exploration of Two Teachers with Contrasting Emotions: Intra-Individual Process Analyses of Physiology and Interpersonal Behavior

Donker, van Gog & Mainhard 2018

Physiological and emotional responses to evaluative stress in socially inhibited young adults

Duijndam, Karreman, Denollet & Kupper 2020