
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

Ambulatory monitoring of the impedance cardiogram

Willemsen, DeGeus, Klaver, VanDoornen & Carrofl 1996

Effects of Work Stress on Ambulatory Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, and Heart Rate Variability

Vrijkotte, van Doornen & de Geus 2000

Daytime cardiac autonomic activity during one week of continuous night shift

Holmes, Burgess, McCulloch, Lamond, Fletcher, Dorrian, Roach & Dawson 2001

Comparison between the Fourier and Wavelet methods of spectral analysis applied to stationary and nonstationary heart period data

Houtveen & Molenaar 2001

Vagal cardiac control throughout the day: the relative importance of effort–reward imbalance and within-day measurements of mood, demand and satisfaction

Hanson, Godaert, Maas & Meijman 2001

Large-scale ensemble averaging of ambulatory impedance cardiograms

Riese, Groot, van den Berg, Kupper, Magnee, Rohaan, Vrijkotte, Willemsen & de Geus 2003

Ambulatory monitoring of cardiovascular responses during behavioral modification of an aggressive dog

Williams, Borchelt, Sollers, Gasper & Thayer 2003

Heritability of Indices for Cardiac Contractility in Ambulatory Recordings

Kupper, Willemsen, Boomsma & De Geus 2006

Comparison of time and frequency domain measures of RSA in ambulatory recordings

Goedhart, Van Der Sluis, Houtveen, Willemsen & De Geus 2007

Negative affect and 24-hour ambulatory physiological recordings as predictors of spontaneous improvement of medically unexplained symptoms

Houtveen & Van Doornen 2008