
Over the past three decades a total of 351 studies have been performed with the VU-AMS device. You can use our search tool below to navigate through our publication inventory using keywords on title, author, or publication year to find if we have published papers in your field of interest.

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Title Authors Date

No Association Between Autonomic Functioning and Psychopathy and Aggression in Multi-Problem Young Adults

Zijlmans, Marhe, van Duin, Luijks, Bevaart & Popma 2021

The predictive value of neurobiological measures for recidivism in delinquent male young adults

Zijlmans, Marhe, Bevaart, Duin, Luijks, Franken, Tiemeier & Popma 2021

Autonomic nervous system function before and after trauma-focused psychotherapy in youth with (partial) posttraumatic stress disorder

Zantvoord, Ensink, op den Kelder, Diehle, Lok & Lindauer 2024

Design and Implementation of a Portable Impedance Cardiography System for Noninvasive Stroke Volume Monitoring

Yazdanian, Mahnam, Edrisi & Esfahani 2016

Lab And/Or Field? Measuring Personality Processes and Their Social Consequences

Wrzus & Mehl 2015

Family history of cardiovascular disease is associated with cardiovascular responses to stress in healthy young men and women

Wright, O'Donnell, Brydon, Wardle & Steptoe 2007

Ambulatory monitoring of cardiovascular responses during behavioral modification of an aggressive dog

Williams, Borchelt, Sollers, Gasper & Thayer 2003

Ambulatory monitoring of the impedance cardiogram

Willemsen, DeGeus, Klaver, VanDoornen & Carrofl 1996

Physiological regulation of stress in referred adolescents: the role of the parent–adolescent relationship

Willemen, Schuengel & Koot 2009

Physiological reactivity to stress and parental support: comparison of clinical and non-clinical adolescents

Willemen, Goossens, Koot & Schuengel 2008